Tuesday, November 25, 2008

So You’ve Become a Manager – Now What?

Becoming a new manager can be overwhelming, check out the following article on tips for newcomer success.

So You’ve Just Become a Manager – Now What? « DrivenLeaders.com - Anthony Portuesi: "Monitor your work hours.
Set time limits to your work hours and stick to them. When you’re in a new position it’s very easy to get sucked into working longer and longer hours because you feel you have to. Resist the urge to consistently stay late. One of the worst things that can happen is burning out too early, if this happens, it will be hard to jump start your passion for the role, not to mention your employees will take notice."

Now that you've become a manager, discover how you can make your first week as a new manager, and the following months, successful. Click the links to discover the 7 super secrets to becoming a new manager.

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